

Köp ditt Sigmaobjektiv hos oss! Hos oss kan du köpa högkvalitativa objektiv, kompakta systemkameror, kompaktkameror, filter och tillbehör från Sigma både online och i butik. Vi har ett brett utbud av Sigmaobjektiv med fattning för Canon, Nikon, Sigma, Sony A och Sony E.





Prominent human and excellent production

The corporate name, SIGMA, is a Greek letter equivalent to "S" in English.
This character has been used as a sign of the total sum in mathematics.
It expresses our business concept symbolized by a concert, consisting of technology, knowledge, experience and wisdom.
We believe that SIGMA products embody the high technology, experience and thoughtfulness of each of our staff members.
The products have been manufactured with our consolidated power at Aizu Factory equipped with the latest facilities.
This plant utilizes a process production system as an "intelligent Factory" on which all steps of production, sales and technology are focused.
Now the plant has become our base of production where quality and high performance products are manufactured.
We deal in a wide variety of image devices around the world. We have decided to contribute through our business achievements to the improvement of communication and the future living standards of the people in the world.

Tidslinje – Sigma

September 1961 SIGMA Research Center was established in Setagaya-ku.
November 1965 A new office building was completed at the existing building site in Komae-shi.
March 1968 Corporate organization was officially changed into a stock company.
November 1970 Trade name was officially changed to SIGMA Corporation.
November 1973 The primary construction of Aizu Integrated Factory was completed.
November 1979 SIGMA Germany was established.
February 1983 The secondary construction of Aizu Integrated Factory was completed.
March 1983 New head office building was completed.
April 1983 SIGMA Hong Kong was established.
March 1984 SIGMA America was established.
January 1991 SIGMA Benelux was established.
December 1991 SIGMA Singapore was established.
February 1993 New factory was completed.
June 1993 SIGMA France was established.
November 2000 SIGMA UK was established
September 2005 New head office building was completed.
August 2013 SIGMA China was established.


För kreatören sedan 1982

På Scandinavian Photo har vi i över 40 år hjälpt kreativa människor att förverkliga sina visioner inom fotografi, ljud, video, film, musik, konst och teknologi. Vi brinner för både tekniken och människorna som använder den. Vi vet att rätt verktyg kan förvandla idéer till verklighet, och vi är här för att guida dig så att du väljer rätt produkter för det du vill göra. Förutom högkvalitativa produkter, erbjuder vi även personlig service. Med vår expertis och vårt engagemang säkerställer vi att du får den utrustning som passar dig bäst.

Let's be friends!
Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev

Häng med i teknikbranschen! Om du anger din mejladress och börjar prenumerera samtycker du till att få nyhetsbrev från Scandinavian Photo. Som prenumerant får du exklusiva erbjudanden, de senaste nyheterna från ledande varumärken i branschen och massvis med inspiration till din mejl.

Ditt samtycke är frivilligt och du kan när som helst avregistrera dig eller återkalla ditt samtycke. Läs mer om vår personuppgiftsbehandling och dina rättigheter i vår integritetspolicy.



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